Bi-polar diorder

Hidden Disabilities

All this week the BBC has been highlighting issues affecting disabled people as part of a campaign called Access All Areas.

Among the topics covered have been technology, job rights and how stigmatised many disabled people can feel.

Hidden disabilities affect millions of peoples lives with on a daily basis, among them are bipolar disorder and autism.

The BBC’s Nick Higham reports.

Source: BBC

Image: iStockphoto

Image: iStockphoto

In a study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry, a team of researchers led by Mayo Clinic psychiatrist Mark Frye, M.D., attempted to identify what factors make some people with bipolar depression more likely to experience treatment-emergent mania (TEM).

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a mental illness characterized by severe mood instability that can be serious and disabling. The deep mood swings from high (mania) to low (depression) may last for weeks or months, causing great disturbances in the lives of the person who has the illness, along with family and friends. Drugs known as mood stabilizers have proven effective at controlling the manic phase of the illness, but treating the depressive phase is more problematic. Antidepressants, although effective for some individuals, can trigger a rapid mood switch from depression to mania, a phenomenon called treatment-emergent mania. [continue reading…]