Sisters Are ‘Key To Happy Family Life’

Sisters spread happiness while brothers breed distress, experts believe.
People who grow up with at least one sister are generally more balanced and happier adults according to new research from the University of Ulster.

Professor Tony Cassidy from Ulster’s School of Psychology is presenting his findings at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Brighton today.
The study of 571 participants aged between 17 and 25, found that those who grow up with no sisters tend to be more distressed.
The results showed having at least one sister was associated with higher scores on a range of measures important for psychological well-being. For example, they reported better social support, more optimism and more positive coping than people who only had brothers.

Professor Cassidy said: “Sisters appear to encourage more open communication and cohesion in families. However, brothers seemed to have the alternative effect. Emotional expression is fundamental to good psychological health and having sisters promotes this in families. This is important information for those working with families and children.”

I clearly would like to say my four brothers are an exception, unfortunately this is not the case:(  Now with four sons of my own, I think I learned something from my experiences and together with my husband (who grew up with 2 sisters) hope we have nurtured emotionally balanced caring adults.

Do you agree with the findings? How have your siblings influenced your life? Send your comments

Source: University of Ulster