November 2007

Men motivated by ‘superior wage’

On receiving a paypacket, how good a man feels depends on how much his colleague earns in comparison, scientists say.
Scans reveal that being paid more than a co-worker stimulates the “reward centre” in the male brain.

Link to  read this BBC News  feature

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Not tonight,dear

Now you have something to blame besides a headache: German researchers have discovered that after four years of committed bliss, fewer than half of 30-year old women desire sex regularly, whereas-surprise, surprise -men’s sex drives remain constant. The Vancouver based sex therapist Marelize Swart says the study reflects what she sees in her practice, but ” both sexes want the same thong at the end of the day: closeness” To get closer try sharing a new sexual experience, such as using a vibrator. And, of course . taking Tylenol for the headache.

Source:Chatelaine , November 2007