April 2008

tweengirls_11.jpgAt Abercrombie & Fitch, little girls were sold thong underwear tagged with the phrases “eye candy” and “wink wink.” In Britain, preschoolers could learn to strip with their very own Peekaboo Pole-Dancing Kits — complete with kiddie garter belts and play money. And ‘tween readers of the magazine Seventeen discovered “405 ways to look hot” like Paris Hilton.

This kind of sexualization of ‘tween girls – those between the ages of 8 and 12 — in pop culture and advertising is a growing problem fueled by marketers’ efforts to create cradle-to-grave consumers, a University of Iowa journalism professor argues in her new book. [continue reading…]

reading.jpgOn May 11 — the day of celebrating the mothers in our lives and all they do for us — the National Center for Family Literacy is encouraging moms to renew their commitment to making reading a daily habit for the family.

“Those fond times spent in a rocking chair reading with your mom are more than memories,” said Sharon Darling, president & founder of the National Center for Family Literacy. “They are critical for children’s future academic success. That’s right, your performance on tests and in school is greatly influenced by your mother’s education level and involvement in your schooling.” [continue reading…]

Today, one out of very 12 people aged 65 and older will experience a decline in their ability to remember, think clearly, reason and make daily decisions. The decline in memory and mental abilities may be subtle, but it limits quality of life and oftentimes leads to depression.Misericordia University researchers are leading a team of students and faculty from two regional institutions of higher education in a six-month study to better understand how to treat people with memory problems and who have a decreased ability to think clearly. [continue reading…]

Why girls do meth

Why do teenage girls begin using crystal methamphetamine even when they are aware of the destructive consequences? A new three year study of teenage girls who have used or are using the street drug. Source: The Leading Edge