July 2008

A milder type of mental decline that often precedes Alzheimer’s disease is alarmingly more common than has been believed, and in men more than women, doctors reported Monday.

Nearly a million older Americans slide from normal memory into mild impairment each year, researchers estimate, based on a Mayo Clinic study of Minnesota residents.

That’s on top of the half million Americans who develop full-blown Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia – a problem sure to grow as baby boomers age. The oldest boomers turn 62 this year.

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Source: American Psychoplogical Association

Sleep Before Severe Fatigue Sets In


Family, friends and neighbors remember Lisa Sandler Spaeth as an active mother of two in Potomac, Md., with a lot on the go, juggling her son’s baseball games and her daughter’s horseback-riding lessons with numerous committee obligations, organizing women’s activities at her local synagogue. Add to this Spaeth’s thriving home business turned wholesale supplier – making custom hair accessories for children – which she founded with her mother. [continue reading…]

Dementia: no new memories

In an extract from his new book, Oliver James explains how we store memories in our mental photograph album.

Penny Garner uses the analogy of a photograph album to illustrate her view of how memory works and to explain why dementia is so frightening to the sufferer. Think of this imaginary album as the place where each new memory is stored. The photographs at the beginning are the oldest, those towards the back are the recent additions.  Link to read more…..

Source : Telegraph, July 28, 2008

  • Contented Dementia – 24 hour Wraparound Care For Lifelong Well-being’ by Oliver James (Ebury Press) is available from Telegraph Books for £15.99 +£1.25 p&p. To order, call 0870 428 4112 or go to books.telegraph.co.uk