March 2010

A s–t disturber!


Pardon my P’s & Q’s but I couldn’t resist posting this… now you can challenge yourself while performing your ablutions!

Hat Tip 🙂 Vaughan @ Mind Hacks

Seems like parenting tips are in vogue today! This next post is fresh off the press from Kansas State University. It’s hard to ignore: the tantrum-throwing child at the department store and the stressed-out parent at wit’s end, embarrassed, not sure what to do next.

When children act out in public, parents don’t always know how best to respond, according to Chuck Smith, a Kansas State University child development expert. The proper way to react depends on a number of factors, he said, including the child’s age, the purpose of the public outing and whether the child’s behavior even needs to be corrected. [continue reading…]

How parents should make rules

sleepless-toddler1.jpgAccording to Larry Nucci, a research psychologist at the Institute of Human Development at the University of California, Berkeley- believes that if you look closely at which rules children obey and which they reject, there are clear patterns to be found. link to continue reading

Source: NPR