September 2010

Heartbreak Puts the Brakes on Your Heart

Broken HeartSocial rejection isn’t just emotionally upsetting; it also upsets your heart. A new study finds that being rejected by another person makes your heart rate drop for a moment. The study is published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

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Video Gaming Prepares Brain for Bigger Tasks

Photo: Adam Filipowicz

Altered brain activity can lead to better control of other skilled movements

Playing video games for hours on end may prepare your child to become a laparoscopic surgeon one day, a new study has shown. Reorganisation of the brain’s cortical network in young men with significant experience playing video games gives them an advantage not only in playing the games but also in performing other tasks requiring visuomotor skills. The findings are published in the October 2010 issue of Elsevier’s Cortex. [continue reading…]

The 24 Hour Mind

Scientific American Mind reviews The Twenty-Four Hour Mind: The Role of Sleep and Dreaming in Our Emotional Lives
by Rosalind Cartwright. Oxford University Press, 2010

Less than six hours of nightly sleep can lead to obesity and even death, but sleep plays an equally important role in regulating our emotions. In The Twenty-Four Hour Mind psychologist Rosalind Cartwright gives an engaging account of the history of sleep research. She skillfully weaves in her 50 years’ worth of work in the field, delving into her own theories about the purpose of dreams and highlighting the importance of sleep to maintain our physical and mental to read article

Source: Scientific American