50 years of the pill

 I mentioned yesterday that The Times has reformatted and launched a new website… I love it-  but then I’m a sucker for British Newspapers! You may have to sign up to preview articles- although they free for the moment .

Today’s magazine  has a great article on 50 years of the Pill. Ah the 70’s !!! Halcyon days, I was in St Matins Art School in London  and the greatest danger that my mother perceived for me, was that I shouldn’t accept funny cigarettes from strange men!  This was the era of “no bras”. On one particular weekend  visit home, bra-less in my fab Foale and Tuffin  dress, I received a good talking to from my mother  on the danger I was inviting. Did I want to get pregnant? Mother of 4 boys and only one girl  maybe you can follow her skewed logic? Oh Ma  that wasn’t going to happen I was ‘on the pill’!

it is not so much the existence of the pill that is unimaginable; most of us have tried different forms of contraception, often deciding, usually after childbirth, that the pill may no longer be for us. The hardest thing to imagine, for a relentlessly consumerist generation, is the lack of choice one had in a pill-free world, and the stigma attached to having to ask — beg, even — for access to contraception. link to continue reading

Source: The Times