Accentuating the Positive After a Layoff

After a layoff, your self-esteem and personal relationships may take a hit. Your bank account and quality of life may both spiral downward. You may not even be sure you can pay your mortgage or rent.
And now you’re supposed to go out and convince employers that you’d be a great hire? Phyllis Korkki looks at ways of taking the edge off negative emotions in this New York Times piece……continue reading

Being laid off “is a profound loss”. It can lead to feelings of humiliation, embarrassment, sadness, guilt and frustration. And if you are supporting other people financially, a host of other powerful emotions and worries can be released. Dr. Molitor

Consider, too, that a layoff removes people from the structure and camaraderie of daily working life and can plunge them into unaccustomed isolation — a possible precursor to stress and depression.

Source: New York Times