An App for Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Assessment

alz.jpg“iAlz Pro” is an advanced medical iPhone application researched and developed by Board Certified Physicians and IT experts of Mobile Medical Applications, LLC. The app provides an extremely effective tool in assessing a person’s stage of Alzheimer’s Disease.

<span class=”drop_cap”>A</span>ccording to the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s disease affects approximately 5 million people in the U.S. and a patient is diagnosed with the disease every 7 seconds worldwide. Over time, Alzheimer’s disease gradually destroys a person’s memory and ability to learn and carry out daily activities such as talking, eating, and going to the bathroom. As the disease progresses, individuals may also experience changes in personality and behavior. As more adults age into the high-risk period for cognitive impairment, clinicians need simple and reliable methods to identify where they may have problems in everyday life that reveal underlying changes in the brain. A new, carefully validated and researched questionnaire by Mobile Medical Apps, LLC called iAlz Pro, when filled out by a patient or someone who knows an older adult well, can sensitively evaluate the performance of everyday activities that reflect basic mental functioning.

The quick and easy identification of mild functional problems in older adults could be extremely useful in primary-care settings, where dementia and its early warning signs are frequently missed. Building on their research, our physicians generated items describing everyday function in seven key cognitive domains: memory, language, semantic (factual) knowledge, visual/spatial abilities, planning, organization and divided attention. By differentiating among people with normal cognition, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and dementia according to the stages below, the iAlz Pro was sensitive to the early functional changes present in MCI.

Thus, the authors believe, the iAlz Pro shows great promise as a useful screening measure for detecting individuals at increased risk for developing dementia. Because the iAlz Pro is sensitive to early functional problems, the researchers hope that it will shed light on how functional problems emerge and, over time, lead to obvious disability. More immediately, the iAlz Pro can help clinicians to diagnose cognitive impairment more effectively and to better understand the care needs and interventions appropriate to individuals. Unfortunately, there are no cures for Alzheimer’s disease but there are treatments when it is caught early. Despite the existence of many assessment tools and tests, there is no way to predict how fast someone will progress through the stages of the disease. Nevertheless, certain tools can immensely help.

Welcome to the Mobile Medical Apps, LLC’s Alzheimer’s disease Assessment tool. This is the same tool that is used by physicians in their offices to detect early and/or advancing signs of Alzheimer’s disease and is the standard of care in its prevention. The validity of each question, as it applies to Alzheimer’s disease assessment, has been researched and standardized. You and/or your loved one will take a series of questions each of which are weighted according to severity. A final Alzheimer Assessment Score will be given as well as an Alzheimer’s disease Stage in which the score falls into. The questions, your answers to them, the score and stage can be e-mailed directly from the application to your physician for further assessment and/or treatment. Once downloaded, the application can be used as many times as you like or the frequency recommended by your physician. This will give your physician (and yourself) the ability to track your progress or any decline in mental, cognitive and physical functioning.

Stages of Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease based on “iAlz Pro” Assessment
Score / Stage:
40-48 / Normal to Mild
30-39 / Mild to Moderate
20-29 / Moderate to Severe
1-19 / Severe
0 / Profound

To download a copy of the iAlz Pro iPhone application from the iTunes store, go to or click the link below:

Source: PR Web