Back to school , back to bullying

bullyingIts that time of year again, kids are getting ready to go back to school.And as in previous years our psychology practice is preparing for the influx of kids and anxious parents who are dealing with bullying.
Last week in Slate Alan E. Kasedin and Carlo Rotella tackled this very problem. Bullies:They can be stopped but it takes a village

Bullying is linked to everything from school shootings to youth suicide to adult depression and violent crime. School Bullying is nothing new, but psychologists are identifying new ways to prevent it. Dan Olweus, PhD. of Norway is recognised as a pioneer and “founding father of research” on bullying and victimization. His research inspired  Bullying at School: What We Know and What We Can Do (Understanding Children’s Worlds) Olweus found that 15 percent of Norwegian kids say they’ve been involved in bullying “now and then,” a statistic that slides upward in the United States to as high as 25 percent of students reporting they’ve been victims and 20 percent confessing to being bullies.
Olweus developed a program carefully evaluated in research,that involved parents, teachers, and peers throughout Norway which significantly reduced bullying.It has been viewed as a model and adopted in other countries—including the United States, where many schools employ variants of it………link to read original article

Source: Slate

There are many resources to help in identifying and intervening effectively to stop bulling and its consequences. Here are some:

Public Safety Canada on bullying
Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System
KidsHealth on bullying
The “Code of Silence”
Psychology Matters on bullying