Academic success

Good grades? Its all in who you know!

student sitting and examEnrichment classes, after-school activities, tutoring, not to mention the gentle prodding of parents — all may count in giving a child that extra academic edge. But parents still puzzle over what the right mix is to make their children excel in school.

It turns out that the missing ingredient could be the friends a child keeps, specifically their in-school friends, the ones who sweat the same tests and homework and complain about the same teachers, rather than those they may make outside of school.

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Most high-school students participating in a new study on academic honesty say they have cheated on tests and homework — and, in some alarming cases, say they don’t consider certain types of cheating out of line.

The study by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln gauged both the prevalence and perceptions of cheating among high-school students. It found the practice is widespread and many students carry misperceptions about academic dishonesty, and also identified patterns among students that may help teachers stop it.
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Children labelled as lazy by teachers and parents may have numerous learning difficulties that could underlie their apparent lack of motivation, a study by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) educational psychologist Dr Linda Gilmore has found.

Dr Gilmore, from QUT’s School of Learning and Professional Studies, studied 20 children aged 7 to 10 years old who were regarded as lazy by their parents and teachers and found that three-quarters of the children had phonologically-based learning disabilities and/or significant problems with attention. [continue reading…]

High school seniors, take note: A wise person once said, “It is better to shoot for the stars and miss than aim at the gutter and hit it.”

That’s right on, says Florida State University Sociology Professor John R. Reynolds, who just completed a study to determine whether unrealized educational expectations are associated with depression among adults. Reynolds also is the director of the Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy at Florida State.

He and co-author Chardie L. Baird, an assistant professor of sociology at Kansas State University, found no long-term emotional costs of aiming high and falling short when it comes to educational aspirations, despite several social psychological theories that would seem to suggest otherwise. The researchers’ conclusion: Society should not discourage unpromising students who have dreams of earning a college degree.

“We should not be in a hurry to dissuade these students from planning to go to college,” Reynolds said. “In fact, the only way to guarantee negative mental health outcomes is not trying. Aiming high and failing is not consequential for mental health, while trying may lead to higher achievements and the mental and material benefits that go along with those achievements.”

“Is There a Downside to Shooting for the Stars? Unrealized Educational Expectations and Symptoms of Depression,” which was published in the American Sociological Review, is the first large, national study to look at the mental health consequences of failing to meet educational expectations.

“My previous research showed that teenagers are increasingly unrealistic about what they will be able to achieve,” Reynolds said. “I wanted to see if there is anything wrong with that trend. Lots of theories predict that unmet goals will lead to frustration and anxiety. We were very surprised to find out that over-ambition is not a big concern, at least not from a mental health perspective.”

Most young people in the United States expect to attend college, earn a four-year degree and work in a professional occupation. Yet the extent to which teenagers’ achievement expectations are out of line with what they actually attain is also on the rise.

In a 2006 study, Reynolds and colleagues found that the gap between the percentage of high school seniors expecting to obtain bachelor’s degrees and the percentage of young adults with a degree had doubled in the 25-year period between 1976 and 2000. In other words, increases in high school students’ college expectations outpaced increases in young adults’ achievements, a result they interpret as “ambition inflation.”

Several social psychological theories suggest that’s a problem, albeit for different reasons. Self-discrepancy theory says that a gap between a person’s ideal self and his or her actual self is detrimental to mental health. Another, relative deprivation theory, claims that individuals experience mental distress when they are deprived of a reward or status to which they feel entitled. Social stress theory asserts that “non-events,” such as not being married by a certain age or a promotion that never happens, are distressing.

Reynolds and Baird used two national studies of youth, the National Longitudinal Study and the Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (ADD Health), both of which track respondents over a period of time, to test whether unrealized expectations are associated with depression in adulthood. Using data from more than 4,300 respondents, they compared the count of symptoms of depression for those who did and did not achieve their earlier educational plans and found little difference.

Those with lower levels of education did have more depression, but the depression was associated with the lower attainment, not any gap between plans and attainment, Reynolds said. Previous research has established that more educated individuals report better mental and physical health.

The researchers theorize that many young adults who did not reach their educational goals develop a sort of “adaptive resilience” that buffers them from the kind of depression that could result from feelings of failure. A dramatic increase in older undergraduates in recent years also suggests that young people do not necessarily believe they must meet their educational goals while still in their 20s.

“It may be that young adults can successfully adapt to the unexpected, focusing on the positive aspects of their transition to adulthood rather than dwelling on plans that have fallen through or have been put on hold indefinitely,” Reynolds said. “They might also deal with failed plans by extending the plans forward in time as achievements still to come. Young adults with college expectations may visualize having their entire lives to realize their educational plans.”

Source: Florida State University