Brain abnormality found in boys with ADHD

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Researchers trying to uncover the mechanisms that cause attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder have found an abnormality in the brains of adolescent boys suffering from the conditions, but not where they expected to find it.

Boys with either or both of these disorders exhibited a different pattern of brain activity than normally developing boys when they played a simple game that sometimes gave them a monetary reward for correct answers, according to a new study by a University of Washington research team. [continue reading…]

Parents of a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are nearly twice as likely to divorce by the time the child is 8 years old than parents of children without ADHD, the first study to look at this issue in depth has shown.

Moreover, among couples in the study who were divorced, marriages involving children with ADHD ended sooner than marriages with no ADHD-diagnosed children. [continue reading…]

It’s often labeled attention deficit disorder, but experts say what may be the real problem behind thousands of children’s behavior problems could actually be sleep apnea.

According to ear, nose and throat physicians, enlarged tonsils can cause obstructive sleep apnea in children—causing them to stop breathing repeatedly during the night resulting in sleep deprivation. [continue reading…]

Teachers are important partners to health professionals in identifying and managing children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, they may be over-identifying children with possible ADHD diagnoses.

Diagnostic criteria for ADHD require that the symptoms are present both at school and at home. School assessments are generally carried out by rating scales and school reports. [continue reading…]