BBC News

Work stress ‘changes your body’

A stressful job has a direct biological impact on the body, raising the risk of heart disease, research has indicated.

The study reported in the European Heart Journal focused on more than 10,000 British civil servants. Those under 50 who said their work was stressful were nearly 70% more likely to develop heart disease than the stress-free.

The stressed had less time to exercise and eat well – but they also showed signs of important biochemical changes. [continue reading…]

Inactivity leads to mental decline

senior.jpgBeing a slob puts you at risk of mental health problems, experts have warned.

A lack of physical activity leads to depression and dementia, evidence presented at the British Nutrition Foundation conference shows.

It comes as new research from the University of Bristol found that being active cuts the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by around a third. [continue reading…]

Men motivated by ‘superior wage’

On receiving a paypacket, how good a man feels depends on how much his colleague earns in comparison, scientists say.
Scans reveal that being paid more than a co-worker stimulates the “reward centre” in the male brain.

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