
Schizophrenia – a sister’s view

Daily, the most searched term on this blog is “schizophrenia”.
(note to self) I really must post more for the people out there who are looking for information.

I came across this video on the Bring Change 2 Mind website. 1 in 6 adults and almost 1 in 10 children suffer from a diagnosable mental illness. Yet, for many, the stigma associated with the illness, can be as great a challenge as the disease itself. Here Mattie Close Davis shares here experience of living with a brother diagnosed with schizophrenia and a bi-polar mother.

Source: Bring Change 2 Mind

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder affect tens of millions of individuals around the world. These disorders have a typical onset in the early twenties and in most cases have a chronic or recurring course. Neither disorder has an objective biological marker than can be used to make diagnoses or to guide treatment. Findings in Biological Psychiatry, published by Elsevier suggest that electroretinography (ERG), a specialized measure of retinal function might be a useful biomarker of risk for these disorders, and retinal deficits may contribute to the perceptual problems associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. [continue reading…]