
senior nappingOlder people should not feel guilty about napping during the day if it allows them to keep active and busy when they are feeling less tired, new research reveals. Experts at the University of Surrey discovered that many older people felt that they may be branded lazy for taking afternoon naps so they tried hard to avoid nodding off.

But the occasional nap can make older people more able to lead a fully active life by giving them enough energy to take part in recreational and social activities. [continue reading…]

Sleep yoursef slim

weighing-scaleNot getting enough sleep may possibly lead to obesity and even type-2 diabetes, a UniSA study has found.

Dr Siobhan Banks, Research Fellow with UniSA’s Centre for Sleep Research, says people who have chronically shortened sleep of just four or five hours’ per night are at greater risk of being overweight and having related health problems.

“Our study results have implications for people who only get four or five hours sleep a night, which is not uncommon for some busy people during the working week,” she says. [continue reading…]

The Importance of Sleep

I have just spent 3 weeks in France ( so what)… OK … Show-off—- you might say ! Well the Welsh among you at least!!!
Bear with me I’m slowly working my way into this topic. OMG did I have jet lag… major jet lag. Crossing time zones isn’t easy ,  it wasn’t so bad going  to France but coming back– it took me exactly 1 week to feel like I was back in the land of the living and regain my sleep pattern! This timely TED Video explains the importance of sleep 🙂

The 24 Hour Mind

Scientific American Mind reviews The Twenty-Four Hour Mind: The Role of Sleep and Dreaming in Our Emotional Lives
by Rosalind Cartwright. Oxford University Press, 2010

Less than six hours of nightly sleep can lead to obesity and even death, but sleep plays an equally important role in regulating our emotions. In The Twenty-Four Hour Mind psychologist Rosalind Cartwright gives an engaging account of the history of sleep research. She skillfully weaves in her 50 years’ worth of work in the field, delving into her own theories about the purpose of dreams and highlighting the importance of sleep to maintain our physical and mental to read article

Source: Scientific American