Dr. O’s Rap:When change is good

dr-oLately Ive been feeling very grateful for the many clients I have been inspired by over the years. Thousands of people have come to see me during the course of my career as a psychologist. More than a few come through my door as ‘doubting Thomases,’ unconvinced that things will change for them. The greatest reward of my work is in watching people experience those aha moments that help them move towards change.

The greatest compliment I can receive is when a former client casually drops in my office after several years have passed by to tell me that I made a difference.

I was inspired to write this post because 2 former clients (who I hadn’t seen for several years) came by this week to just that. I’m not trying to assign this last paragraph to my ego. I love being the catalyst for change but when all is said and done, the real kudos always goes to the client who had made the decision to change and acted on that decision.

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