Few of us ever make good on New Years Resolutions

It’s easy to make a resolution, writes Alex Williams, but harder to keep it. Experience says so.

It certainly didn’t prove to be for Oprah Winfrey, who recently demonstrated that change – at least lasting change – is often fleeting at best. A few weeks ago, Ms. Winfrey, who once weighed 237 pounds but famously whittled herself down to 160 four years ago, appeared on the cover of her O magazine, glumly displaying her new, or old, 200-pound girth.
“I didn’t just fall off the wagon,” she wrote in the January issue. “I let the wagon fall on me.”
Ms. Winfrey is hardly alone – nor is she alone in her vow to set off on (another) road to self-improvement in 2009. But if she succeeds she will be one of the few people to make good on what is essentially a New Year’s resolution.

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Source: New York Times