Less education linked to ageing


Three-dimensional molecular structure of a telomere (G-quadruplex) Wikepedia

People who leave education with fewer qualifications may age more quickly, according to new research.

A group of scientists led by BHF Professor Andrew Steptoe separated study participants into four groups, according to how long they stayed in education.

The researchers found that people who left education earlier had shorter ‘caps’, called telomeres, on the ends of their DNA – a marker of ageing in cells. As we age we’re more at risk from heart disease.

We know that the burden of heart disease is different across the UK. People in deprived areas are at greater risk. This research suggests that the level of education that people achieve is another social factor associated with inequality in heart disease risk.

It’s not acceptable that where you live or how much you earn – or lesser academic attainment – should put you at greater risk of ill health

Professor Jeremy Pearson, our Associate Medical Director, said:

“This study found that lower academic attainment is associated with premature ageing of cells in the body. It reinforces the need to tackle social inequalities to combat ill health.

“It’s not acceptable that where you live or how much you earn – or lesser academic attainment – should put you at greater risk of ill health.”

We co-funded the research along with the Medical Research Council (MRC), which used 450 volunteers from the ongoing ‘Whitehall II’ study.

Source: The British Heart Foundation