Psychiatrists urge people to consult their doctor before stopping antidepressants

February 26, 2008

The Royal College of Psychiatrists has urged people taking antidepressants not to discontinue their medication without consulting a doctor.

NICE guidelines point to the efficacy of antidepressants as well as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)for people with moderate to severe depression. Many studies have shown that a combination of medication and psychotherapy has been particularly effective.

Professor Sheila Hollins, President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said “We are studying the recent findings from the Department of Psychology at the University of Hull carefully. The researchers claim to have obtained a full set of research data for the first time, and they should be commended for achieving this. But we must stress that anyone currently taking antidepressants should first contact their own doctor before considering stopping their medication, as is the case with any form of prescribed medication.”

The Royal College of Psychiatrists has information available on depression, antidepressants, talking therapies, and exercise and mental health. These resources can be downloaded free from the College website at