Running For My Life

Danielle Seiss talks in the Washington Postabout her struggle with crippling depression and how running running offered her the relief that drugs and therapy never could.

But what started me back on the path to health, what I remember the most vividly, were long, quiet walks, then runs, often in the woods. I found it helped clear my thoughts and made me feel more in control. I still hadn’t put together how dramatically it was affecting my brain chemistry. Slowly, I began the climb back. I re-enrolled in school and got a degree. I got married. I weaned myself off all the depression medication, a slow and often painful process. I sought to create a support system. People were there for me, but sporadically, much as they had been throughout my life. And their support didn’t always help despite their good intentions. Depression is an isolating disease. But I found that when I ran, I could be my own support system …………..continue reading

Source: Washington POst