Students who truly care about learning do better

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In Newsweek today Wray Herbert tell us why Sucking up his its limits



 Remember the apple polisher? In my school days, apple polishers were kids who kissed up to the teacher. They would tell their biology teacher, I’ve wanted to be a biologist since I was 3; or say to the English instructor, I’m reading Faulkner’s novels on my own time, just for fun. They’d ask for permission to work ahead.
The phrase may be archaic, but kids still try to game the system, from grade school to college. And we’re not talking about total frauds, those modern-day Eddie Haskells dripping insincerity. Some of these kids believe that ingratiating themselves with teachers and professors is the proper path to success. They really do want to do well in school, but they see being popular with the teacher as a measure of their success
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Source: Newsweek