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Wedding bells are in the air in the James household as my son gets ready to ‘tie the knot’. So it comes as no surprise maybe that this new study would capture my attention!

Dating couples whose dreams include marriage would do well to step back and reflect upon the type of support they’ll need from their partners when they cross the threshold, a new study suggests.

Will the partner who supports your hopes and aspirations while you are dating also help you fulfill important responsibilities and obligations that come with marriage? [continue reading…]

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Image credit: Getty Images

Women in strained marriages are more likely to feel depressed and suffer high blood pressure, obesity and other signs of “metabolic syndrome,” a group of risk factors for heart disease, stroke and diabetes, University of Utah psychologists found.

The same study found men in strained marriages also are more likely to feel depressed, yet – unlike women – do not face an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by five symptoms: hypertension, obesity around the waistline, high blood sugar, high triglycerides and low levels of HDL, which is “good cholesterol.” [continue reading…]

Money stresses lead to marital woes

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Image: iStock photo

Many couples are finding what happens in the nation’s boardrooms also affects what happens – or doesn’t happen – in the bedroom.

Mary Jo Rapini, a psychotherapist with The Methodist Hospital in Houston, has been counseling more and more couples who find that anxiety over their economic situation threatens the long-range outlook of their lives together. [continue reading…]