Mental Health

When Depression is Severe

depressed woman

Image Credit: iStockphoto

Severe depression is life threatening. So it is worth every effort to get depression under control and make life more manageable. For most people, that means some combination of antidepressant drugs and talk therapy. [continue reading…]

Depression: The Times Investigates

Prozac Capsules


The newly formatted Times website is now up and running (although you may have to register to view it). The Mental Health Section takes a comprehensive look at depression.

If you go to your doctor feeling depressed, he is likely to issue you — or your son, your mother, your husband or your boss — with a pale green note that will be a passport to pharmacological contentment. Thanks to his prescription, you or your loved one will join the three million Britons who take antidepressants — maybe Prozac, Seroxat or Zoloft — as part of their daily routine, at a cost of about £300 million to the NHS. continue reading

Source: The Times

How therapy helps

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Katherine C. Nordal, PhD, answers questions about the benefits of therapy in treating mental health disorders.

What can a patient expect at his or her first therapy appointment? How will therapy help a patient in everyday life?

Therapy is a collaborative process involving you and your psychologist, who can help you figure out the best approach to handling your problems. It is important that you have confidence in your therapist and believe in his or her approach. It may take some time to fully understand your psychotherapist’s recommendations so do not hesitate to ask questions. [continue reading…]