
Wanna know the best way to lose weight?


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Roll -up, roll up wanna know the best way to lose weight? Ah ha! Got your attention? great.

I’m sure at one point or another we’ve all struggled to find the best way to lose weight and keep it off. And sure you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to grasp the few basic principles of how to lose weight—Its pretty simple, consume fewer calories than you expend. Yet if it is really so easy, obesity would not be the nation’s number-one lifestyle-related health concern. So why are extra pounds so difficult to shed and keep off?

Dr David Freedman shows how the concepts of behavioral analysis, ( roughly translated psychologists are the ideal professionals to support you in reaching your goal),…. underlie most successful programs for losing weight.

Take the Scientific American poll to see how your weight-loss attempts compare with other survey-takers. At the end, you will learn about four general rules of thumb that researchers believe increase the chances of losing weight and keeping it off.

As a footnote those who follow my regular posts will remember my own New Years Resolution…… Shrinkgurl wants to shrink her waistline.So far I have lost 1 inch and 6 pounds. Surrounded by psychologists I am an ideal example of someone who has ample behavioural support!
Watch this space I may even post pics 😉

Source: Scientific American

boy eating pizz

© istockphoto

Health care providers can play a key role in the fight against weight problems in young people

Over the last few decades, the dramatic rise in pediatric obesity rates has emerged as a public health threat requiring urgent attention. The responsibility of identifying and treating eating and weight-related problems early in children and adolescents falls to health care providers and other professionals who work with the child, according to Professor Denise Wilfley and colleagues from the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in the US. Furthermore, the key to successful treatment is a team effort involving providers and parents. [continue reading…]

Fat waistline

Image: iStockphoto

The more an older woman weighs, the worse her memory, according to new research from Northwestern Medicine. The effect is more pronounced in women who carry excess weight around their hips, known as pear shapes, than women who carry it around their waists, called apple shapes. [continue reading…]

Image: Creative Commons

In Canada, in stark contrast with the rest of the world, wealthy men increase their likelihood of being overweight with every extra dollar they make. The new study was led by Nathalie Dumas, a graduate student at the University of Montreal Department of Sociology, and presented at the annual conference of the Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS).

“Women aren’t spared by this correlation, but results are ambiguous,” says Dumas. “However, women from rich households are less likely to be obese than women of middle or lower income.” [continue reading…]