
Choosing the perfect Valentine’s Day gift

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Image credit: iStockphoto

Valentines day is just around the corner, and you may be wondering what to get your special someone, so you may be interested in new research from The University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business and Washington University in St. Louis – It matters whether you give your loved one a material gift or an experience for Valentine’s Day. [continue reading…]

He’s just not that into you.”

movie-posterHe’s not asking you out. He’s not calling you. He’s not marrying you. He’s disappeared on you. While many women might rationalize this behavior and hold out hope for a fairytale ending, writers from the hit show “Sex and the City” will respond with the six little words that will grace the silver screen this week.

He’s just not that into you.” [continue reading…]

Are men hardwired to overspend?


Bling, foreclosures, rising credit card debt, bank and auto bailouts, upside down mortgages and perhaps a mid-life crisis new Corvette, all symptoms of compulsive overspending.

University of Michigan researcher Daniel Kruger looks to evolution and mating for an explanation. He theorizes that men overspend to attract mates. It all boils down, as it has for hundreds of thousands of years, to making babies.

Hardwired to overspend 

Professor Daniel Kruger looks to evolution to explain why we overspend                                                       

[podcast] [continue reading…]