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dr-oI have never been a great fan of the concept of faith, and yet I have always somehow known deep down that prestige cars are so much more attractive to women than penis size. The trouble is, until now I have never seen any research which supports this idea, and simply voicing this belief makes me look like such a saddo. Also, the lack of supportive evidence has made me a liar. Every time I buy a prestige car, I have had to justify this to my wife as having something to do with quality of build. What a fib! But, this week I am reveling in research published in the British Journal of Psychology (March, 2009). It actually shows that women do find males in flashy cars to be more attractive. So now that the cat is out of the bag I’m wondering , will She who must be obeyed let me trade in the Audi for a new Ferrari! 😉