July 2007

All Change


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Most divorces after the age of 50 are initiated by women. Why? In a new book, Dr. Louanne Brizendine explains how changes caused by menopause weaken women’s instinct to hold a family together and liberate them from the need to put up with the failings of second-rate husbands.

Reproduced with the kind permission of Louanne Brizendine, Neuropsychiatrist, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Womens Mood & Hormone Clinic, UCFS. This article is the subject of our current newsletter ‘Psychobabble’. [continue reading…]


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A  research study conducted by Amanda Rose, associate professor of psychological sciences in the College of Arts and Science at the University of Missouri-Columbia  found that  teenage girls who talk extensively about their problems with friends are at risk of becoming anxious and depressed. [continue reading…]

When did you first let your child play in the bath unsupervised, walk to school alone, go for a bike ride with his/her friend? In a new survey parents report a wide range of ages acceptable for unsupervised activity

The study in which nine hundred and forty households with children aged 1 to 14 partcipated, and which is published in the July, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine concluded that parent enagaging in risky behaviours, and allowing their children to do so, often were providing less supervision. [continue reading…]