July 2008

Health researchers at the University of Leeds are helping young people take the first steps towards reducing dangerous alcohol intake through an online personal analysis of their drinking behaviour.

Unitcheck, a website developed and trialled at the University of Leeds, aims to change the habits of at-risk young drinkers, giving them a quick check on the number of units they are drinking, and information on whether this affects their health and how their drinking compares to their peers. [continue reading…]

Identifying the causes of schizophrenia

Scientists from the University have identified a risk gene associated with the mental health disorder schizophrenia.

An international group of researchers, led by Professors Michael O’Donovan, Nick Craddock, and Michael Owen from the School of Medicine examined DNA samples from over 7,000 individuals with schizophrenia, and almost 13,000 people without the disorder. [continue reading…]

Kwabena Boahen wants to understand how brains work — and to build a computer that works like the brain by reverse-engineering the nervous system. His group at Stanford is developing Neurogrid, a hardware platform that will emulate the cortex’s inner workings.

Source: TED

Is pain all in the mind?

Pain is a simple enough concept to grasp. You stub your toe, shout, perhaps utter a few expletives, rub it better and it eventually fades. But neuroscientists are realising that pain is much more complex than anyone thought possible, comprising not just physical sensations, but emotional ones too. Pioneering studies are providing insights into why some people experience debilitating chronic pain long after an injury has healed, as well as why some are more prone to pain than others, and why certain people never recover from bereavement. Continue reading…
Source: The Times , Vivienne Parry, July 26, 2008