November 2008

Misleading media coverage of medicine

Media coverage of clinical trials does not contain the elements readers require to make informed decisions. A comparison of the coverage received by pharmaceutical and herbal remedy trials, reported in the open access journal BMC Medicine, has revealed that it is rarely possible for the lay public to assess the credibility of the described research. [continue reading…]

How working single moms are making it

Single working moms, often with little support networks spend up to 90 percent as much time raising children as their married counterparts.

Single working moms, often with little support networks spend up to 90 percent as much time raising children as their married counterparts.

“Time poor” single mothers come surprisingly close in the number of hours they spend caring for their children compared to married mothers, and the difference is explained almost entirely by socio-economic factors and the kind of jobs they hold, say University of Maryland sociologists in a new study.The researchers conclude public policy focuses too heavily on the mother’s marital status.

The study, published in the December issue of the “Journal of Marriage and Family,” [continue reading…]

Love wins over money in the mid-life crisis

The optimistic view is that “life begins at 40”, but quality of life surveys in England and Australia have revealed middle age as time many people feel the least confident about their place in the world and what the future holds. [continue reading…]