November 2008

Why everyone deserves a funeral

Why do we need to hold funeral services? To mark a loss? To recognize a death? To remember a life? To start healing?

Doug Manning, international grief expert and author, tackles these questions in his book The Funeral: A Chance to Touch, a Chance to Serve, a Chance to Heal.

Manning explains that “denial is always easier than reality” in the funeral process. [continue reading…]

Dr. O’s Rap

This morning my head was sent spinning. First, one of my ‘must see’ TV personalities, Gordon Ramsey (he of expletive cooking fame), is alleged in the scurrilous British press, to have had a 7 year affair. Sounds like a real dog’s dinner Gordon. I wonder if his wife will ‘dish’ out the same forgiveness that he does to the ensemble of cooking professionals that appear on his shows. Then I read in the reputable Independent newspaper that there is mounting scientific evidence that the vitamins we consume offer few health benefits. Can you believe it? Despite this, I can see no lessening of our enthusiasm for pills and potions that adorn the shelves of our stores here in Vancouver.Oh well, maybe, we do have something to learn from Gordon Ramsey after all. It really is time to spend less time in the pharmacy and more time in the kitchen.