November 2008


Apologies to all and sundry for lack of posts. I am currently trying to resolve a few difficulties with my blog and how it display images…Without getting too technical. Normal services will be resumed as soon as possible

Cleanliness can compromise moral judgment

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The next time you have to make a difficult moral decision, you might think twice about mulling it over in the bath or shower…

New research in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science has found that the physical notion of cleanliness significantly reduces the severity of moral judgments, showing that intuition, rather than deliberate reasoning can influence our perception of what is right and wrong. Lead researcher, Simone Schnall, University of Plymouth, explains the relevance of the findings to everyday life; “When we exercise moral judgment, we believe we are making a conscious, rational decision, but this research shows that we are subconsciously influenced by how clean or ‘pure’ we feel.” [continue reading…]

Today  I upgraded the software which I use for my blog. So what you may say? Well this is no mean feat! Having used the great Thesis theme since its Beta origin I have been reluctant to move on… and now I have !So tweak and tweak ( developers will be with me here)… and there are still lots of anomalies!  So bear with me, we will slowly get there…. in the meantime I have to pay homage to the great Chris Pearson…… Awesome….. Dude!

Go get some Thesis

The researchers concluded that the use of CISD involves issues of ethical principles and conduct for mental health professionals: “The influence of nonscience, junk science, and pseudoscience raises major ethical implications for mental health practice in its entirety, with professional psychology providing a particularly well-placed example of our concerns. 

[continue reading…]