January 2011

Drawing upon humor for change

Brilliant— LIz Donnelly and the empowerment that a sense of humor can bestow ( especially for us girls).

Source: TED

We know that people tend to be attracted to, date, and marry other people who resemble themselves in terms of personality, values, and physical appearance. However, these features only skim the surface of what makes a relationship work. The ways that people talk are also important. A new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that people who speak in similar styles are more compatible.

The study focused on words called “function words.” These aren’t nouns and verbs; they’re the words that show how those words relate. They’re hard to explicitly define, but we use them all the time—words like the, a, be, anything, that, will, him, and and. How we use these words constitutes our writing and speaking style, says study coauthor James Pennebaker of the University of Texas at Austin. [continue reading…]

As a sequel to the CNN video I posted earlier maybe those who share the family bed may be interested in this post by Ed Yong the Discover blogger

Pay attention. Put that down. Stop doing that. Eat that later. Would you, just, behave? These phrases are a familiar part of family life, as parents try to drum a sense of self-control into their children. Right from the start, they are taught to restrain their impulses, focus on their goals, and control their choices. This seems like a wise move, but how could you tell if such instruction actually affects a child’s fate?

Parents, of course, love to read too much into the small steps of a child’s development. But could it really be that the self-control kids learn to exert when they are very young is an indicator of the adult lives they will lead? Curious? Continue reading

Source: Discover

The family bed

I would love to get some feedback on this story . I must be turning into my mom, because despite being a so called new age parent, I believe these parents are creating a litany of problems further down the road both for their kids and their relationships. Tish tosh…. c’mon, we all love our kids but it is good to tuck them in at night in their own beds.

Source: CNN