
boy eating pizz

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Health care providers can play a key role in the fight against weight problems in young people

Over the last few decades, the dramatic rise in pediatric obesity rates has emerged as a public health threat requiring urgent attention. The responsibility of identifying and treating eating and weight-related problems early in children and adolescents falls to health care providers and other professionals who work with the child, according to Professor Denise Wilfley and colleagues from the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in the US. Furthermore, the key to successful treatment is a team effort involving providers and parents. [continue reading…]

Are you ‘Pouring on the Pounds?’

New York poster

The BBC News reported today on New York’s new shock adverts, which are accompanied by the words “Are you pouring on the pounds?”, target the billions of hidden calories which Americans consume each year in sodas and other sugary drinks.
On average, Americans now consume 200 to 300 more calories each day than we did 30 years ago. Nearly half of these extra calories come from sugar-sweetened drinks. When people count calories they often forget the ones they drink. America has a serious soda habit: residents drink 15 billion gallons of the fizzy stuff each year.

Do you thinks showing people a gruesome image and saying, ‘look, this is what you’re doing to your body’ will makes them rethink their consumption of sugar filled drinks?

Source: BBC News

Strong Link Between Obesity and Depression

Doctors should pay more attention to the link between common mental illness and obesity in patients because the two health problems are closely linked, according to researchers at the University of Adelaide.

In an editorial published today in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), the Adelaide researchers add support to claims of a two-way risk between obesity and common mental disorders. [continue reading…]