
Girls just want to be thin

But study finds that heavy women and men don’t want to be thin enough

Most normal-weight women — almost 90 percent in a Cornell study of 310 college students — yearn to be thinner. Half of underweight women want to lose even more weight, or stay just the way they are, thank you very much. [continue reading…]

If a woman is overweight when she becomes pregnant, the probability is much greater that her child will evince ADHD-like symptoms when he/she reaches school age, according to a new Nordic study. The investigation was carried out by Alina Rodriguez at Uppsala University in collaboration with international colleagues, and is available online in the International Journal of Obesity. [continue reading…]

Is This Anyway to Lose Weight?

How reality TV preys upon desperation

By Martin Binks (director of behavioral health and research director at Duke University’s Diet & Fitness Center)

As the new season of NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” unfolds this week, ask yourself this: Would I want to watch my loved one — who struggles daily with the physical, mental and emotional ramifications of a life-threatening illness — treated this way? The program, which capitalizes on one of the country’s fastest-growing epidemics, is the latest example of how the sideshow mentality and sensationalistic abuse of reality television has gone too far. [continue reading…]