Sex Therapy

The Myth of Sexual Chemistry

The psychosexual therapist doesn’t believe in sexual chemistry, or that men and women are all that different. On the BigThink today we hear from a psychotherapist and a gender researcher in their featured multipart on female sexuality.

Visit BigThink to see all the interviews in this six part series What do women really want
Source: BigThink

surprise60% of women surveyed wished they had sex more often! The current issue of Glow magazine looks at why women aren’t having as much sex as they’d like. Tri-City Psychology’s very own sex therapist and psychologist Dr. Marelize Swart is interviewed for this feature article.marelize-2

So many women are too shy to initiate sex,” says Marelize Swart, “or their moves are simply much too subtle!” She has seen many women who claim to have had their hottest moves rebuffed, but further prodding finds that we may be slipping in our seduction tactics. “I’ve had women say ‘But I showered!’ and are hurt when their husbands don’t pick up on their cue,” she says. “If we think we’re being ignored or rejected, we get hurt and mad – and then turned off. Remember: Men aren’t mind readers!


If you want more sex, the first step is to take a really close look at what’s stopping you, says Swart. And the next step? Trying to find solutions together.